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陆颖健 教授

发布时间 :2019-01-05文字 :陆颖健浏览量 :


陆颖健,男,致公党,太阳成集团tyc33455cc教授,博士生导师,国际SCI杂志《Food Science & Nutrition》(IF=2.86)副主编,国家重点研发计划食安重点专项项目首席,江苏特聘教授,致公党南财支部主委。


邮箱(E-mailyingjianlu@nufe.edu.cn; yjlu@umd.edu


2018/09  至今 南京财经大学,太阳成集团tyc33455cc,教授

2018/07  2018/08 美国橡树岭国家实验室,副研究员

2016/01  2018/06 美国马里兰大学/美国农业部农业研究中心,副研究员

2014/09  2015/12 美国马里兰大学/美国农业部人类营养健康中心,助理研究员

2011/09  2014/08 美国马里兰大学帕克分校,营养与食品科学系,博士

2008/09  2011/08 美国特拉华大学,食品科学系,硕士

2004/09  2008/08 南京工业大学,食品与轻工学院,学士






近年来,主持十三五国家重点研发计划食安专项(1611万)1项,科技部中加联合实验室开放基金2项,江苏省教育厅特聘教授项目等各类重大科研项目10余项;荣获科技部中国生物技术创新大会优秀青年最佳团队奖、美国马里兰大学年度最佳教师奖;发表SCI论文100余篇(以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章82),其中被Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food SafetyJAFC选为封面文章5次,向国际会议递交会议论文17篇,并选为大会发言10次,参编美国化学协会(ACS)英文专著1本;担任国家自然科学基金评审专家、中国微生物学会编工委委员、江苏省微生物学会食品微生物专委会主任、江苏省青年科学家执委、江苏省农学会理事、南京市侨联常委、南京市栖霞区政协委员等。


SCI杂志《Food Science & Nutrition》(IF=2.86)副主编


SCI杂志《Food Bioprocess and Technology》(IF=4.47)执行编委


主讲《Modern Food Processing and Technology》全英文课程。


(1)   Pang, X., Song, X., Chen, M., Tian, S., Lu, Z., Li, X., Yuk, HG., Lu., Y.* (2022). Combating biofilms of foodborne pathogens with bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria in the food industry. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 21 (2), 1657-1676.(封面文章)

(2)   Zhao, D., Wang, Q., Lv, F., Bie, X., Lu., Y.* (2022). A Novel Class IIb Bacteriocin-Plantaricin EmF Effectively Inhibits Listeria monocytogenes and Extends the Shelf Life of Beef in Combination with Chitosan. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 7, 2187-2196.(封面文章)

(3)   Ma, S., Tian, S., Sun, J., Pang, X., Hu,Q., Li, X., Lu., Y.* (2022). Broccoli microgreens have hypoglycemic effect by improving blood lipid and inflammatory factors while modulating gut microbiota in mice with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Food Biochemistry, e14145.

(4)   Nie, T., Meng, F., Zhou, L., Lu.,Y.* (2021). In Silico Development of Novel Chimeric Lysins with Highly Specific Inhibition against Salmonella by Computer-Aided Design. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (12), 3751-3760.(封面文章)

(5)   Tian, S., Wang, Y., Pang X., Hu, Q., Sun, J., Lu., Y.* (2021). Sulforaphane Regulates Glucose and Lipid Metabolisms in Obese Mice by Restraining JNK and Activating Insulin and FGF21 Signal Pathways. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (44), 13066-13079.(封面文章)

(6)   Meng F., Zhao, H., Lv, F., Bie, X, Lu, Z., Lu., Y.* (2021). Novel Bacillus Milk-Clotting Enzyme Produces Diverse Functional Peptides in Semihard Cheese. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69 (9), 2784-2792

(7)   Meng, F., Lv, F., Connerton, IF., Lu., Y.* (2021). Acetate and auto‐inducing peptide are independent triggers of quorum sensing in Lactobacillus plantarum. Molecular Microbiology 116 (1), 298-310

(8)   Li, X., Tian, S., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Lu, Y.* (2021).Broccoli microgreens juice reduces body weight by enhancing insulin sensitivity and modulating gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced C57BL/6J obese mice. European Journal of Nutrition 60 (7), 3829-3839

(9)   Tian, S., Li, X., Wang, Y., Lu.,Y.* (2020). Microwave cooking increases sulforaphane level in broccoli. Food Science and Nutrition. 3.

(10)  Tang, C., Meng, F., Pang, X., Chen, M., Zhou, L., Lu, Z., Lu., Y.* (2020). Protective effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus NX2-6 against oleic acid-induced steatosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammatory responses. Journal of Functional Foods, 74, 104206.

(11)  Li, X., Chen, L., Zhu, X., Lu, Z., Lu. Y*. (2020). Effect of γ-aminobutyric acid-rich yogurt on insulin sensitivity in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Dairy Science. 103, 7719-7729.

(12)  Meng, F., Zhu, X., Zhao, H., Nie, T., Lu, F., Lu, Z. Lu, Y.* (2020). A class bacteriocin with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity from Lactobacillus acidophilus NX2-6 and its preservation in milk and cheese. Food Control. 121, 107597.

(13)  Lu, Y, Pang, X., Yang, T. (2020). Microwave cooking increases sulforaphane level in broccoli. Food Science and Nutrition. 8, 2052-2058.

(14)  Wu, Y., Zhou, L., Lu, F., Bie, X., Zhao, H., Zhang, C, Lu, Y.* (2019). Discovery of a Novel Antimicrobial Lipopeptide, Brevibacillin V, from Brevibacillus laterosporus fmb70 and Its Application on the Preservation of Skim Milk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67 (45), 12452-12460.

(15)  Lu, J., Zhu, X., Zhang, C., Lu, F., Lu, Z., Lu, Y.* (2019). Co-expression of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase in Bacillus subtilis for alcohol detoxification. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 135, 110890.